Everything about running

Learn everything about running and get better at your favourite sports!


woman and man running at night

Safety tips for running in the dark

What should you wear? Where should you run? Night running has its own set of rules to follow. Keep reading to learn more.

Les meilleures chaussures pour courir en hiver

The best running shoes for winter running

When it comes to running in cold weather, it's essential to have the right footwear that can withstand the elements.

woman stretching after a run

Running: careful not to overtrain

Overtraining can be a serious problem for some runners. Remember not to confuse quantity with quality when it comes to your training.

4 people participating to a running event

10 Tips for your first race

From logistics to nutrition tips, learn how to prepare for a running event.

Running: Running Types, Benefits, and Essential Tips

Running: Running Types, Benefits, and Essential Tips

Running offers a range of disciplines. It improves cardiovascular health and reduces stress.

man who is a beginner runner

How to start running: All our tips for getting started

Across the globe, running enthusiasts are taking to the sidewalks, parks, roads and trails, while record numbers of runners are signing up for races, marathons and ultra-marathons. Running is arguably one of the most accessible activities you can engage in.

Comment choisir ses chaussures de course à pied?

How to Choose Running Shoes

Finding the perfect running shoe can prove to be a real challenge. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you find THE ideal pair!

Woman running in multilayers

Winter running: 10 essential tips

Should you stop running in the winter? “No way! There’s nothing better than hearing snow crackle under your shoes.” Says Murielle, a big fan of winter running and our training leader at Decathlon. Discover her tips for learning how to love running in cold weather.

Woman stretching after a run

Running + yoga: Why they work together

They may be very different activities, but running and yoga complement each other really well! Find out how a regular yoga practice can help improve your running performance…

Comment nos équipes s'entraînent pour la course à pied?

How does our teams train for running?

S'entraîner est essentiel avant de se lancer sur une course officielle. Voici le plan d'entraînement de nos collaborateur·rice·s chez Décathlon.

Man who slow running in the city

Why is slow running good for your health?

Find out how slowing down can make you a better runner.

woman running

How (and why) you should run to work

Thinking about running on your commute to or from work? With the right gear, you can get started in no time. There are many benefits like saving you time, money and reducing your carbon footprint. Whether you’re a new runner or an experienced marathoner, learn how to make run commuting work for you.

man and woman running

How to get back into running in a mindful way

Do you want to get back into running after taking a long break? Check out our tips for a gradual and positive return to this accessible sport. Leave the past and your old results behind; ground yourself in the present moment for a gentle return that respects your body and mind.

a man and a woman running in hot weather on the mountain

Summer running: What should I wear?

Don’t let the heat keep you from running! Learn what to wear to stay cool, dry, and energized on summer runs. When running in hot weather, you’ll be sweating a ton—there’s no way to avoid it. However, you can dress in technical apparel that will pull moisture away from your skin and dry quickly.

runners stretching

A yoga routine for runners

Believe it or not, yoga and running are complementary activities that work really well together. A regular yoga practice can improve your running performance. Follow the routine below to see how.

man and woman running

8 motivating reasons to run this fall

Fall is a great season to run! Get motivated with these eight good reasons to lace up and go.

young girl playing ping pong

7 fun family sports activities to enjoy together

Looking for ways to keep the kids occupied? Enjoy time together on the weekends with these fun family activities that get everyone moving.

sphere media background sample

How to train for a half-marathon: 10-week program

Get ready for a half-marathon with a structured training programn. Find out more about our training program, tips and nutrition!

woman stretching on a yoga mat

How to adopt a wellness routine

Routines are all about balance! Adopting new habits can help you get and stay in better shape over the long term. Here are our tips on how to get started.

woman smiling in the rain wearing a rain jacket

The benefits of layering

When practicing outdoor activities, layer your clothing to stay comfortable, dry and warm. At Decathlon, we go to great lengths to ensure our products are made with technical fabrics that have your back (literally!) in all types of weather conditions. Learn how to layer up before you head out!

woman putting sunscreen on her arm

Our Sun Protection Tips

Summer has finally arrived, and we're all eager to dive into our favourite outdoor sports and activities. However, amidst the excitement, one important factor must not be neglected - sun protection. Discover how to shield yourself from the sun's damaging rays and which precautions to take, while still fully immersing in the joy of the summer season.

sewing machine repairing a jacket

Simple tips for repairing your own clothes

Learning to repair well-worn clothing is a win-win for both you and your wallet. If your jacket is ripped or some stitching has come apart, a little basic repair know-how can make all the difference between throwing the item out or wearing it again. Taking a crafty approach is both economical and ecological!

Zoom on K-Only technology

K-Only: how it adapts to all running strides

Discover K-Only running shoes that adapt to all types of running strides. The goal? To make it easy for you to find good running shoes, and to help you avoid injuries.

a man and a woman motivate each other

Getting active: How to find the motivation?

f you’ve taken a break from sports and fitness, you may not necessarily be ready to hit the ground running when it comes to getting back to an active lifestyle. Sometimes it’s best to ease back slowly, finding motivation from various sources along the way.

Chocolate cake and kiwi

Glycemic index: should we be eating less sugar?

Who doesn’t like to indulge in a square of chocolate now and then? Many of us love sugar, but it is important to consider the types and quantities of sugar we are consuming.

A man on a bicycle is about to drink from the tube of his water bag

How to Clean Your Hydration Pack

Designed specifically for those who practice trail running, mountain biking, and hiking, a hydration system with a drinking tube is an essential piece of equipment for intense activity in the great outdoors. Do you know how to properly clean your hydration pack? Here’s a quick guide.

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