Comment nos équipes s'entraînent pour la course à pied?

How do our teams train for running?

Training is important before participating in an official race. Here is a glimpse into the training program of our team members at Decathlon.

Comment nos équipes s'entraînent pour la course à pied?

A training program or workout plan is essential!

Whether it's a 10K, a half-marathon, a marathon, or even longer distances, we all have our own tips and tricks to perform well. For some, completing a race with a great time is a true challenge, while for others, simply finishing the race is an accomplishment in itself. Ultimately, for many, the most important thing is to enjoy the experience.

Comment nos équipes s'entraînent pour la course à pied?

What program should you follow to begin running and how can you motivate yourself to get started?

Before anything else, it's important to find the motivation to start running. If you're not used to endurance sports, it's essential to ease into it gradually. Beginning with a long distance right away could easily lead to demoralization and discourage you from continuing. Instead, start small with shorter distances and gradually increase your intensity over time.

In addition to starting small, it's important to properly warm up before beginning your run. Doing so will help prevent injury and prepare your body for the physical activity ahead. Incorporate some dynamic stretches or a light jog to get your muscles ready to work.

Remember, developing a new running habit takes time and effort, so be patient with yourself and celebrate your progress along the way. With consistency and dedication, you'll soon find yourself running farther and faster than you ever thought possible!

How to Start Running? Succeeding in Running for 30 Minutes.

To start, try alternating between walking and running. Begin by running for 1 minute, then walking for 2 or 3 minutes to recover. Repeat this pattern during each running session, gradually increasing the time you spend running. With consistent training, you'll be able to increase your running distance over the course of a few weeks without feeling the need to stop and walk. This gradual approach will help you build endurance, reduce the risk of injury, and increase your enjoyment of running.

Comment nos équipes s'entraînent pour la course à pied?

How to train for a 10K race?

First and foremost, it's important to determine your goals. Are you aiming to simply complete a 10K without worrying about your time? Or are you looking to improve your personal record and shave seconds off your previous best? Whatever your objective may be, the Decathlon Coach app offers a variety of training programs to help you achieve your goals and make progress.

What I'm primarily looking for in a 10K race is to enjoy the outdoors without worrying about my time. I pay attention to my daily diet and run 2 to 3 times a week in a relaxed manner to stay in shape, without any pressure!

Sarah, Decathlon teammate

Comment nos équipes s'entraînent pour la course à pied?

Half-Marathon: What training should runners follow?

Running a 21.1 km race is not something that can be done overnight and most of the time it requires a training program. For the most athletic among us, a half-marathon is a walk in the park. However, be careful! It's better to train well before embarking on this distance, otherwise you risk injury. Here's a testimony from Maéva, a Decathlon teammate:

In February 2022, I challenged myself to run a half-marathon despite not being a long-distance runner. It felt like a daunting task at first, but I made it a personal goal and began my training in early April with shorter runs of 5-6 km. By July, I had signed up for the Décathlon Coach app and followed an 8-week training program to prepare for the half-marathon. The program consisted of both shorter and longer runs, as well as VMA sessions which were new to me.

VMA training proved to be a valuable tool in helping me find my pace and avoid over-exerting myself early on in runs. In the month leading up to the race, I alternated between VMA sessions and runs no longer than 8 km in order to rest my body and prepare for the P'tit Train du Nord race on October 1st.

On race day, I had the privilege of sharing the experience with a close friend and we crossed the finish line together, feeling a tremendous sense of personal accomplishment. The experience taught me that nothing is impossible if you set your mind to it. My next challenge? A full marathon.

Comment nos équipes s'entraînent pour la course à pied?

Marathon and (Very) Long Distances: Our Training Tips

Our Decathlon Coach app offers a variety of marathon training plans to suit your specific needs and goals. Whether you're looking to train for a period of 9 or 12 weeks, set a target of finishing in 3 hours and 15 minutes, or simply aim to complete the race, we are committed to supporting you throughout your training journey and every step of the way in achieving your goals.

Our training plans are designed to help you progress steadily, build endurance, and improve your running performance. With features like progress tracking, goal setting, and personal coaching, our app is a valuable resource to help you prepare for your next marathon or long-distance race. So why not take the first step towards achieving your goals and try one of our training plans today?

To conclude, running is above all a sport of pleasure! There is no need to focus on performance if you don't want to. However, it's also a great sport that's accessible to many people and allows you to set meaningful goals for yourself!


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