young girl playing ping pong

7 fun family sports activities to enjoy together

Activities and sports you'll love to promote physical activity at home for your kids:
- Table Tennis
- Walking Outdoors
- Yoga
- Hockey, but make it Bowling?
- Basketball
- Archery
- Soccer


What activities can you do to bring the family together?

Whether it's a birthday party, Spring Break or a Sunday evening with the family, a little creativity gets everyone active and having a great time. Here are seven fun activities you can do at home!

man and woman playing ping pong

Activity #1 indoor fun: Table tennis play list

You'll need three people for this game - 2 players and 1 DJ! Get the DJ to put on some tunes, and then start your table tennis rally. Without watching the game, the DJ will randomly pause the music at some point, and whoever has the ball on their side when the music stops... loses that round. Play up to 10 points and then rotate positions so the DJ can get in on the game, and one of the players can take control of the music.

Don't have what you need at home? Here are some products that may interest you:

🏓 Table tennis tables
🏓 Rackets, balls and accessories
🏓 Nets and rollnets

2 people playing ping pong

Did you know?...

Table tennis originated in England in the 1880s. It was adapted from lawn tennis so players could enjoy the game when it was too cold to play outside. Hmmm, sound familiar?

young boy walking outside

Activity #2 it's free: Outdoor walk!

Get bundled up for this outdoor activity. Head out for a walk together and take turns calling out different "walking styles" that everyone has to do for at least ten steps. Get creative and have some fun with it. Need a few ideas to get started? How about "Speed walk!"… "Backwards walk!"… "Zombie walk!". You're sure to have a good time, and who knows how long you'll go?!

Don't have what you need at home? Here are some products that may interest you:

👟 Running shoes
👟 Kids' apparel
👟 Equipment and accessories

4 kids running on an outdoor track

Did you know?...

Race walking became an Olympic track and field sport in 1904. These races would go up to 20 km and 50 km! While it doesn't always get the same recognition as other sports, race walking requires technique and is an excellent full-body workout.

mother and daughter doing yoga together

Activity #3: young yogis

Introduce your kids to a few basic yoga poses like "tree pose," "chair pose" and "triangle pose". See who can hold each pose the longest without losing their balance.

Next, the ultimate challenge… try to get everyone to participate in a 5-minute SILENT meditation session (we know, good luck!) Even if you don't hit that 5-minute mark, everyone will benefit from some quiet time before getting on with the rest of their day.

Don't have what you need at home? Here are some products that may interest you:

🧘‍♀️ Yoga mats
🧘‍♀️ Yoga accessories
🧘‍♀️ All yoga

young girl in child's pose

Did you know?...

There are tons of great virtual yoga classes you can participate in with YogaTribes via Decathlon Activities! Find a session you can do with the kids to bring a little more zen to your day.

hockey goal

Activity #4: bowling pin hockey

Set up six empty plastic bottles in front of a goal and try your best to knock them down by shooting the puck from a distance. The perfect game to work on your shot precision! If you're a larger group, set up elimination rounds and have one big winner at the end!

Don't have what you need at home? Here are some products that may interest you:

🏒 Sticks, pucks
🏒 Apparel and gear
🏒 Hockey skates

close-up on a hockey goal post

Did you know?...

People have been bowling for over 5,000 years. In ancient Egypt, sports equipment uncovered by anthropologists resembled a bowling game making bowling pins as old as hieroglyphics!

young girl playing in the snow

Activity #5: Snow basketball

Count how many shots make it into the baskets by throwing snowballs instead of a ball! Start with small snowballs, then make them bigger and bigger to test your strength and precision. Just don't forget your gloves or mittens for this one.

Don't have what you need at home? Here are some products that may interest you:

🏀 Basketball hoops
🏀 Basketballs
🏀 All basketball

3 kids playing basketball

Did you know?...

At the start, basketball players used a soccer ball. The idea came from James Naismith, the Canadian who invented basketball in 1891! So, if you have a soccer ball at home, why not try out this "vintage" version of basketball?

hands holding a set of arrows

Activity #6: At the movies

To the costume drawer! Try out archery while dressed up as a famous character. Who will you be: Hawkeye from The Avengers, Katniss from The Hunger Games, Merida from Brave, or Legolas from Lord of the Rings?
To get in the zone, play the movie score in the background.

Don't have what you need at home? Here are some products that may interest you:

🏹  Archery
🎱  Darts and billiards
🎯 All precision sports

young boy playing with a Softarchery kit

Did you know?...

Our soft archery set helps kids learn quickly and safely with suction-cup arrows, a colourful target and an ambidextrous bow for kids eight yrs+.

person doing soccer drills

Activity #7: soccer circuit

Set up a circuit of 3 to 5 stations and set a 1-minute timer on your phone. See how many times you can complete each move before the timer goes off. Here are a few station ideas to get started:

– Zig-zag dribble: Set up a row of small household items and dribble a softball through them in a zig-zag motion. When you reach the end, turn around and head back to the starting line.

– Knees and toes: Bounce a softball off your knees, feet and ankles…anything but your hands! Count how many times you manage to touch the ball before it hits the ground.

– The A-B hop: Set a point A and B (i.e.: kitchen counter to the front door), and hop on one foot from A to B; then hop back on the other foot. See how many times you can go between A and B in 1 minute.

Don't have what you need at home? Here are some products that may interest you:

⚽️ Soccer balls
⚽️ Training equipment
⚽️ All so

close-up on a player picking up a soccer ball

Did you know?...

Circuit training is a popular workout style because it's 100% customizable, doesn't require much equipment, and it's fun! Our brains can zone out when we do one repetitive action, so circuit training keeps things interesting by incorporating short bursts of activity that change from station to station. Not only great for holding kids' attention - circuit training is also an excellent option for adults.


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