Everything about jogging

Learn everything about jogging and get better at your favourite sports!


woman and man running at night

Safety tips for running in the dark

What should you wear? Where should you run? Night running has its own set of rules to follow. Keep reading to learn more.

man who is a beginner runner

How to start running: All our tips for getting started

Across the globe, running enthusiasts are taking to the sidewalks, parks, roads and trails, while record numbers of runners are signing up for races, marathons and ultra-marathons. Running is arguably one of the most accessible activities you can engage in.

man and woman running

How to get back into running in a mindful way

Do you want to get back into running after taking a long break? Check out our tips for a gradual and positive return to this accessible sport. Leave the past and your old results behind; ground yourself in the present moment for a gentle return that respects your body and mind.

man and woman running

8 motivating reasons to run this fall

Fall is a great season to run! Get motivated with these eight good reasons to lace up and go.

woman stretching on a yoga mat

How to adopt a wellness routine

Routines are all about balance! Adopting new habits can help you get and stay in better shape over the long term. Here are our tips on how to get started.

The benefits of yoga for athletes

The benefits of yoga for athletes

Yoga, with its ancient roots and holistic philosophy, offers more benefits than just flexibility and balance.

woman smiling in the rain wearing a rain jacket

The benefits of layering

When practicing outdoor activities, layer your clothing to stay comfortable, dry and warm. At Decathlon, we go to great lengths to ensure our products are made with technical fabrics that have your back (literally!) in all types of weather conditions. Learn how to layer up before you head out!

sewing machine repairing a jacket

Simple tips for repairing your own clothes

Learning to repair well-worn clothing is a win-win for both you and your wallet. If your jacket is ripped or some stitching has come apart, a little basic repair know-how can make all the difference between throwing the item out or wearing it again. Taking a crafty approach is both economical and ecological!

Why should you eat well before your workout?

Why should you eat well before your workout?

Are you looking for new ways to improve your performance? The solution lies within you!

kids on a soccer field

Advice from Kids: Why Should We Play Sports?

Want to have more fun while doing sports? Get tips from young athletes on topics like motivation, how to fuel your body like a pro and the best reasons to stay active on a daily basis.

a man and a woman motivate each other

Getting active: How to find the motivation?

f you’ve taken a break from sports and fitness, you may not necessarily be ready to hit the ground running when it comes to getting back to an active lifestyle. Sometimes it’s best to ease back slowly, finding motivation from various sources along the way.