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How to dress and prepare for a spring hike?

Get ready for spring hiking with the best equipment for your outdoor adventures! From sturdy boots to lightweight backpacks, we've got you covered.

Chilly morning. Light rain. Sudden gusts of wind. Fluctuating temperatures. Humid heat... spring is decidedly unpredictable. Don't let unpredictable weather deter you - and remember, there's no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing and equipment. Follow our guide for how to prepare for any conditions.

Randonnée printanière : comment bien s'équiper?

What to wear for a spring hike?

In spring, weather conditions can change rapidly on the trails. Rely on the multi-layer system, designed to adapt to weather conditions while ensuring your comfort.

Dressing in layers

Too hot? Take off a layer or two. Is the temperature dropping or is it raining? Put on an extra layer. This system keeps you comfortable in a variety of weather conditions.

Waterproof clothing

As a general rule, clothing made entirely from regular cotton or organic cotton should be avoided for outdoor activities. Cotton absorbs moisture, cools the skin and takes a long time to dry. Ideally, opt for technical clothing that is breathable, stretchy and quick-drying.

Don't forget to bring a waterproof jacket in case of rain. Opt for lightweight clothing made from synthetic fibres (or merino wool) that are compressible and easy to carry. Choose convertible pants that quickly become shorts, so you can easily adapt to the weather.

And don't forget to bring a spare pair of socks, because nobody likes walking with wet feet. Socks that control temperature and wick away moisture are crucial to keeping your feet comfortable.

Randonnée printanière : comment bien s'équiper?

Equipment for a successful spring hike


A good pair of hiking shoes is essential for comfort and safety on the trails. Choose a pair with supportive, shock-absorbing insoles and outer soles that provide traction and protection against rocks and roots.

However, if you decide to tackle more technical or steep trails, you'll need a sturdier pair with better grip on the sole and greater protection against rocks, roots and debris. Don't forget to bring a spare pair of shoes for the trip home, to avoid tracking dirt and mud into your vehicle.

Crampons and gaiters

Try crampons and leg gaiters if you're planning to cover technical, muddy or icy trails. Gaiters prevent debris and mud from seeping into your boots, while crampons ensure good traction on unstable surfaces.

Other useful accessories

A compact backpack allows you to carry your essentials:

- energy bars and snacks
- hiking poles
- map, compass or GPS
- multipurpose tool
- sun protection
- fully charged cell phone
- first-aid kit
- spare clothing

Randonnée printanière : comment bien s'équiper?

Respect the trails

In spring, nature is coming back to life. This period of thawing combined with rain reduces soil drainage.

Best practices

Once spring arrives, many hikers can't wait to get out on the trails. However, during the thawing period, trails are particularly fragile, and some are even closed until early June. So it's important to hike only on marked trails, even if mud covers the ground, to avoid damaging the flora.

And always follow the 7 principles of Leave No Trace Canada. By respecting nature, you'll also be helping future generations enjoy it.

- Plan ahead and prepare
- Travel and camp on durable surfaces
- Dispose of waste properly
- Leave what you find
- Minimize campfire impacts
- Respect wildlife
- Be considerate of others

Check trail conditions

Spring is notorious for rainy days and muddy trails. Always check trail conditions before setting out.

Randonnée printanière : comment bien s'équiper?

Keep an eye on the weather!

Before you head out, check the weather forecast and prepare accordingly. It's better to cancel your hike if conditions are unfavourable.

Safety first

Don't forget to leave your itinerary with someone you trust, and let them know when you plan to return home. Finally, exercise caution when planning your first hike.

No matter how excited you may be to get back to hiking, spring fever often means that you embark on your first outing without really taking the time to examine your equipment. Make sure the equipment you plan to bring works as you need it to. 

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