Everything about climbing

Learn everything about climbing and get better at your favourite sports!


Une femme escalade une paroi rocheuse

What are the different types of climbing that exist

Want to learn to climb? Climbing is a thrilling activity that comes in many forms and can be practiced inside, outside, or both. The most common styles of climbing are: bouldering, traditional rock climbing, top rope, sport climbing, ice climbing, and speed climbing. Welcome to the world of climbing!

2 women camping and enjoying the quiet of nature

How to get started with camping

Camping is a great way to enjoy nature with your family, friends, or significant other, or even on your own. Before you go, identify your needs and figure out what type of camping suits you best. Would you prefer to stay at a serviced campsite, get cozy in a ready-to-camp rental, or embark on a backpacking adventure?

woman putting sunscreen on her arm

Our Sun Protection Tips

Summer has finally arrived, and we're all eager to dive into our favourite outdoor sports and activities. However, amidst the excitement, one important factor must not be neglected - sun protection. Discover how to shield yourself from the sun's damaging rays and which precautions to take, while still fully immersing in the joy of the summer season.

Bowl of soup with croutons and cheese

Intermittent fasting: Different types of fasting and benefits

Discover intermittent fasting and see how this method may be helpful for weight loss and overall well-being!

belay system for indoor climbing

How to choose a belay system?

A descender is essential for toproping, lead climbing, belaying one or two climbers, ascending cliffs, and climbing indoors. The type of descender you need depends on where, how, and with whom you climb. We’ll help you find what you need.

climbing or mountaineering ropes

How to choose your climbing or mountaineering rope

Length, diameter, treatment . . . Choosing the right climbing rope is important for your safety and the lifespan of your gear. We’re here to guide you!

kids on a soccer field

Advice from Kids: Why Should We Play Sports?

Want to have more fun while doing sports? Get tips from young athletes on topics like motivation, how to fuel your body like a pro and the best reasons to stay active on a daily basis.

a man and a woman motivate each other

Getting active: How to find the motivation?

f you’ve taken a break from sports and fitness, you may not necessarily be ready to hit the ground running when it comes to getting back to an active lifestyle. Sometimes it’s best to ease back slowly, finding motivation from various sources along the way.

women dancing in a Zumba class

The importance of sports communities

Sport is a central part of our personal and social lives. It’s a wonderful way to push yourself, have fun, and learn about yourself; all while taking care of your well-being. These benefits multiply when you train with other people. Read on to learn more!