Everything about skating

Learn everything about skating and get better at your favourite sports!


close-up on ice skates

The health benefits of ice skating

The list is as long as the Rideau Canal! Whether you want to strengthen your muscles, work on your balance, or just get some fresh air with your family, ice skating is one of the best winter sports around. Discover its key benefits.

women's figure skates

How to choose your ice skates?

You want to find skates that will allow you to practice this sport comfortably. We'll help you choose the right skates for kids and adults. Choose your skates based on your age, the type of skating you will do, and level of support you feel that you need.

Les sports d'hiver à pratiquer au Québec

Winter sports to enjoy in Quebec

Land of snow and ice, Quebec offers a variety of winter sports to enjoy in its vast snow-covered spaces.

kids on a soccer field

Advice from Kids: Why Should We Play Sports?

Want to have more fun while doing sports? Get tips from young athletes on topics like motivation, how to fuel your body like a pro and the best reasons to stay active on a daily basis.

a man and a woman motivate each other

Getting active: How to find the motivation?

f you’ve taken a break from sports and fitness, you may not necessarily be ready to hit the ground running when it comes to getting back to an active lifestyle. Sometimes it’s best to ease back slowly, finding motivation from various sources along the way.