Everything about canoe and kayak

Learn everything about canoe and kayak and get better at your favourite sports!


Two people smile in their tandem kayak.

How to choose a kayak

There are many elements to consider when choosing a kayak: Should it be inflatable or hard-shell? Will you be paddling on a river or open water? We'll help you ask yourself the right questions so that you can make an informed choice.

Two people set up their campsite in the Canadian Rockies

Quiz: What kind of camper are you?

There are different types of camping that offer varying levels of comfort. Find out what kind of camper you are!

Canot - camping : le guide complet pour une expérience inoubliable

Canoe Camping Checklist for the Ultimate Experience

Canoe camping is a wonderful way to explore the wilderness, but in order for the experience to be successful, proper preparation is essential.

woman putting sunscreen on her arm

Our Sun Protection Tips

Summer has finally arrived, and we're all eager to dive into our favourite outdoor sports and activities. However, amidst the excitement, one important factor must not be neglected - sun protection. Discover how to shield yourself from the sun's damaging rays and which precautions to take, while still fully immersing in the joy of the summer season.