Comment apprendre à son enfant à faire du vélo?

Teaching your kids how to ride a bike

Teaching your child how to ride a bike is about teaching them to control their movements while taking into account external elements. Here are all our tips.

Teaching your child how to ride a bike can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience for both of you. It's essential, however, to make sure that their learning experience is safe and effective. Consider factors such as your kid's age and abilities, the right equipment, and a safe environment to ensure a smooth and successful process. With a little patience and determination, you can help your kid develop into a confident and proficient cyclist.

Comment apprendre à son enfant à faire du vélo?

At what age are kids ready to learn to ride a bike safely, without training wheels? How to teach a 3-year-old to ride a bike?

1/ Equipment: A helmet is mandatory!
A bike helmet is of the utmost importance for kids, especially when they are learning to ride. The risk of falling is high, so it's best to take the necessary precautions and provide your child with the best protection.

2/ choosing the right location

For your children's safety, it's important to practice bike exercises away from traffic and busy streets. Try a small neighbourhood with little traffic or a private parking lot without vehicles.

3/ Learning to brake properly

Please remember, for optimal braking, the ideal ratio is 1/3 pressure on the back brake and 2/3 pressure on the front brake. Don't forget to explain this step to your kids.

Comment apprendre à son enfant à faire du vélo?

Two tips to learn how to brake

Tip n°1 : Working on precision

Draw a marker on the ground that your child should aim for when stopping. Gradually increase their approaching speed... they will then be able to stop at crossroads or traffic light without difficulty.

Tip n°2 : Work their reactivity

Let your child freely ride in a closed and safe area. At your "GO", your child must immediately brake and put their foot on the ground. At the next "GO", they start again. In time, they will be able to handle the dangers encountered on public roadways.

Learning the functions of a bike and its pedals.

Once the right bike has been chosen and adjusted to the kids' size (the child should have a straight back and both feet flat on the ground), have your kid sit on the saddle. At a standstill, show them where the pedals, brakes, and other components are located. Allow them to get familiar with their bike. You can continue the observation phase by turning the bike upside down (head down) so you can demonstrate the benefits of pedalling (it makes the wheels turn) and using the brakes (pressing the handles causes the wheels to stop).

Learning to ride a bike is about finding balance... and maintaining it.

For children over 3 years old who have never used a balance bike, you can convert their regular bike into a balance bike by removing the pedals. This is an excellent way for them to develop their balance and become comfortable with their big kid bike. A crucial aspect of this process is to educate your child on the importance of where they look. Explain to them that the bike moves in the direction that they are looking, and encourage them to look where they want to go to maintain balance. As your child progresses, they will also need to understand the concept of speed. To help them grasp this idea, engage them in discussions and activities that focus on momentum and speed, such as asking questions like 'Is it easier to pedal like as slow as a snail or very fast?

Comment apprendre à son enfant à faire du vélo?

How to ride a bike

Starting on a bike can be a challenging task for children, but with the right guidance, it can be a fun and fulfilling experience. A crucial aspect in starting on a bike is teaching your kids to place their feet on the pedals without looking down, so they can maintain balance. To help with this, encourage your kids to position their front foot above the pedal axis when starting, which will provide them with more force to make their first pedal turn and maintain their balance. To further support their learning, you can also offer them starting exercises on a gentle slope and gradually increase the difficulty by having them start on a flat surface and then a slight incline. By doing so, their balance, technique, and pedalling strength will improve progressively at their own pace.

Comment apprendre à son enfant à faire du vélo?

Finally... Learning to follow a path

Your child has made impressive progress by mastering starting, pedalling, and braking on their bike. However, it's important for them to also learn how to navigate around obstacles. Encourage their development by setting fun challenges such as reaching specific landmarks like cones, trees, or a house at the end of the street without putting their feet down. Now that your kid is comfortable with balancing, pedalling, and turning, it's crucial to emphasize the importance of safe braking. Teach them the proper braking technique, which can also help boost their confidence while riding.

Comment apprendre à son enfant à faire du vélo?

Test and play the game “1, 2, 3, GO”!

This game is amazing.
The goal of the game is to be able to start on your own... without the training wheels!
Follow these steps:

1/ push with your feet (like on a balance bike) for 3 seconds

2/ lift your feet to place them on the pedals

3/ pedal! 

Don't hesitate to vary the number of seconds allowed before lifting your feet: sometimes it will be 4 seconds, sometimes 6...

The parents' tip: remind your kids that they must always keep pedalling. Give them the rhythm: "you're pedalling, you're pedalling..."

In conclusion, teaching your kids how to ride a bike is a rewarding experience for both parents and children. It's important to follow the appropriate steps to ensure the kids' safety and promote successful learning. This may require a bit of patience and persistence, but the effort is worth it when you see your child become a competent and confident cyclist. Finally, don't forget to celebrate your kids' achievements and enjoy this special family moment.


Quelle taille de vélo choisir pour vos enfants?

What size bike to choose for your kids?

Parce que pour faciliter l'apprentissage et l'épanouissement lors de vos balades en famille, il est essentiel de trouver la bonne taille de vélo!

Bike on a wall

Choosing the right bike

Cycling is excellent for your health, but it is also an eco-friendly way to travel that helps build a better future for the planet. Before diving into your next two-wheeled adventure, discover the main types of bikes available to you: hybrid, road, touring, mountain, city, folding, and more.

zoom on a city bike

10 tips for biking in the city

Weaving in and out of urban spaces, pedalling through parks, new neighbourhoods, and along picturesque streets and bustling avenues; the ring of the bell blending with the din of downtown: cycling is one of the best ways to rediscover your city.

Comment transporter facilement vos affaires à vélo?

How to easily carry your belongings on a bike?

Contrairement à ce que vous pensez peut-être, vos affaires du quotidien ne sont pas un frein à vos déplacements à vélo.