Tailles des bottes de ski : comment choisir?

How to Choose the Right Size for Your Downhill Ski Boots

Discover our complete guide for how to correctly measure your foot and choose ski boots that will give you the comfort, support and performance you need on the slopes.

Whether you are just starting your journey with downhill skiing, or you're simply in need of some new boots, finding the right ski boot size can be challenging. That's why we've created this simple guide to help you remember all the important points to remember when shopping for a new pair of ski boots.

Tailles des bottes de ski : comment choisir?

Understanding the Size System for Ski Boots

Ski boot sizing is not the same as regular shoe sizing, so don't be surprised if the numbers you see are a bit different from your normal street shoe size. The sizing for ski boots is called mondo sizing and refers to the length of the foot in centimetres (EX: 27/28/29). Ski boots are marked with the size and the half size, so you will find both sizes on the same boot.

Tailles des bottes de ski : comment choisir?

Correctly Measuring Your Foot Size

Before selecting the ski boots you want to try on, you will have to take the time to measure your foot size. It is important to do this step correctly as it will drastically impact the boot you choose. We recommend standing with your heel up against a wall and a piece of paper under your foot. Measure the longest part of your foot when your knees are slightly bent. Mark this measurement on the paper. Next, measure the widest part of your foot and mark this on the paper as well. 

Tailles des bottes de ski : comment choisir?

Differences Between Standard Boot Sizes and Ski Boot Sizes

While you may want some extra room inside a standard boot to feel really comfortable, ski boot sizing is not the same and you won't experience the same type of comfort in ski boots as you do in a regular pair of shoes or boots. Don't be concerned if your toes touch the front end of the boot when you first put your new ski boots on. Overall, your ski boots should feel tight and snug, but you should not feel any pain.

Tailles des bottes de ski : comment choisir?

How to Try on Ski Boots

Foot and Heel Position

When you first put your ski boot on, you may notice that your toes are touching the end of the boot. Don't be alarmed, this does not mean the boot is too small. Attach the buckles, bend your knees slightly, then tighten the buckles some more. As you bend, you will notice that your foot moves back towards the center of the boot. There should be minimal heel movement inside the boot. Your heel should remain flat and firm on the base of the ski boot. 

Tailles des bottes de ski : comment choisir?

Testing Flexion and Movement

Spend some extra time wearing the new pair of ski boots when you are trying them on. Walk around in them and simulate the stance you will take and movements you will make while skiing. Notice whether the boots seem to have the right amount of give. Beginner skiers will want a stiffer boot, whereas advanced skiers may opt for a softer boot. Depending on your skiing experience, you will need a different level of boot flex. Having the right fit will make a huge difference in your overall comfort and performance while skiing. 

Tailles des bottes de ski : comment choisir?

Signs of a Good or Bad Fit

If the buckles are tightened to about the mid range and the boot feels snug, it is most likely a good fit. If you are experiencing any pain, this is not the right ski boot fit for your foot shape. Most ski boots will have a basic insole inside. If you have a narrow foot or wide feet, you may want to experiment with specialized insoles that can make the fit more appropriate for your foot shape. These insoles provide different foot arch levels and can maximize your comfort level inside the boot. 

Tailles des bottes de ski : comment choisir?

The Importance of the Ski Sock in the Fitting Process

When trying on a new pair of ski boots, be sure to wear ski socks and not regular socks. You want to test the boot with the same socks you will be wearing while practicing the sport. Having proper ski socks will ensure that your feet stay warm while you ski. One of the worst problems a skier can experience is getting cold feet while practicing their sport. Thicker socks will not necessarily provide the warmth you are looking for. But the right ski socks will drastically improve your level of comfort.

Tailles des bottes de ski : comment choisir?

Care and Longevity of Ski Boots

How to Care for Your Ski Boots on a Daily Basis

It is important to let your ski boots dry out properly between uses to avoid mold and that dreaded wet ski boot smell. If you want to be sure they are completely dry on the inside, you can remove the insole and let it air dry fully before using your ski boots again. Avoid walking in your socks on dirty floors (such as ski lodge common areas) and then putting your feet back into your ski boots. This dirt can accumulate over time and contaminate the inner lining of your boot. 

Tailles des bottes de ski : comment choisir?

Good Storage Practices for the Off-Season

Proper ski boot storage is important for the longevity of your boots. Before you store your ski boots for the off-season, make sure they are clean and dry. Remove the liners and let them air dry. You may want to wash the outer shell with a damp cloth. Once they are ready for storage, lightly buckle your boots so that they maintain their shape and then place them in a boot bag. Be sure to store your boots in a dry, well-ventilated area. Avoid damp storage spaces in dark corners of your basement or garage.

Tailles des bottes de ski : comment choisir?

When to Replace Your Ski Boots

Most ski boots are expected to last for up to 200 days of skiing, but if you ski regularly you may find it necessary to replace the boot liner sooner than that. You'll know you need to replace the liner in your boot if the fit has become too roomy and you feel less supported inside your boot. You also want to keep an eye on the toe and heel portions of your ski boot as these areas are subject to more wear and tear from the ski bindings. If the toe or heel is damaged, this may affect your ability to easily clip into your ski bindings and it will likely be time to replace your boots. 

Tailles des bottes de ski : comment choisir?

Discover Decathlon Ski Boots

Decathlon ski boots are carefully designed to provide optimal comfort and performance on the slopes. We have a wide selection of kids' and adult ski boots for all types of skiers. To find the best-fitting ski boots, visit one of our stores and speak with an experienced Decathlon teammate who can guide you towards the perfect pair for your needs. They will help you get the proper flex for your ability level and the right type of fit for your foot shape. You can also refer to our ski boot size guide for more information that will help you make the best decision. 

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