woman doing yoga at home

Daily self-care: how to relax

Are you dealing with big life changes? Has your normal routine been turned upside down? Do you feel like the pressure is weighing you down? Follow our guide on how to restore your inner peace. Put yourself first and practice self-care every day. We’re here to guide you!


If you ever feel lonely, it's important to remember that you have the power to take control of your own life and daily routine. To stay motivated, try setting daily goals for yourself and focusing on self-improvement. By putting yourself first, you can improve your mental health and overall well-being. Remember, you have the ability to make positive changes in your life and create a fulfilling routine for yourself.

Overworked? Trying to catch your breath? It's important to take a step back and prioritize your tasks. Make a plan to better organize and manage your workload, and be sure to schedule some time for self-care.

Too much free time on your hands? Try learning a new hobby or learning a new skill! Having goals and projects will help you avoid getting stuck in a rut. This is also a great opportunity to try a new sport and get active. By finding a balance and setting goals for yourself, you can improve your productivity and overall well-being.

relax people laughing while exercising


Exercise is an essential part of maintaining physical and mental well-being, even when you're stuck indoors. It helps oxygenate your body and can have a positive impact on your mood. Just 25 minutes of physical activity can release endorphins, hormones that promote feelings of pleasure and satisfaction. Get moving, have fun, and give your body and mind the boost they need to stay healthy and stress-free.

two men playing ping pong at home


Discover our tips on managing your emotions and stress. By adding a few relaxation exercises to your routine, you’ll soon feel calmer and more at ease.


Dr. Sylvain Baert, a French psychology professor, explains the fundamental element of all relaxation exercises: breathing.

"Many people are chest breathers; when they inhale, their chest rises and their belly contracts. Instead of taking long, deep breaths with the diaphragm, they breathe superficially and discontinuously. However, deep breathing is very beneficial; it gives you a real sense of calm and awakens your mind. Diaphragmatic or abdominal breathing stimulates your parasympathetic nervous system*, which sends a relaxation signal to your body. It is an important technique to learn."

man on a yoga mat with eyes closed


This relationship has been studied by Dr. David Servan-Schreiber, a French doctor. When we breathe "normally" through the chest, our sympathetic nervous system takes control and increases our anxiety. On the other hand, deep breathing through the diaphragm activates our parasympathetic nervous system, which blocks the anxiety-producing effects of the sympathetic system. It triggers a relaxation process and leads to a sense of calm.

man on a yoga mat meditating

Here is an additional explanation from Dr. R. Abrezol: "When you practice abdominal breathing, your diaphragm, which was previously stationary, lowers with each inhale and rises with each exhale. This movement, which does not occur when breathing through the chest or shoulders, results in a deep massage in the solar plexus - a complex network of nerves located between the navel and the sternum - and in the internal abdominal organs. Many discomforts in the solar plexus disappear spontaneously through deep breathing."


Practice this diaphragmatic breathing exercise while sitting on the floor against a wall or lying on your back:

- Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose.

- Exhale through your mouth, pressing gently on your stomach to exhale the air.

- Inhale through your nose, inflating only your stomach.

- Exhale slowly through your mouth.

- Repeat these steps three times.

According to Dr. Sylvain Baert, controlling your breathing (around six cycles of slow breaths per minute instead of 12 to 20 cycles) allows you to coordinate your breathing with your heart rate, which promotes relaxation.

woman on a yoga mat outside


Focusing on the present moment is known as mindfulness meditation. This practice can help you become more aware of your surroundings and better engage with the world around you. As Leonardo da Vinci once said, "An average human looks without seeing, listens without hearing, touches without feeling, eats without tasting, moves without physical awareness, inhales without awareness of odour or fragrance, and talks without thinking." Mindfulness meditation can help you break out of this unconscious state and become more attuned to your senses and your environment.

One way to learn how to live in the present moment is through mindfulness meditation. You can try focusing on your breathing or a neutral object several times a day and bring your attention back to your breathing.

This technique can help you develop better emotional control and acceptance over time. Mindfulness can also help you appreciate and fully experience what's happening in the present moment.

So, instead of living life on autopilot, make a conscious effort to focus on the present, relax, and make the most of each moment.


To begin your relaxation session, start by taking some deep breaths and focusing on the sensation of the air moving in and out of your body. Imagine that you are in a peaceful and calming environment, whether it be a real or fictional place. Try to vividly visualize and fully immerse yourself in this environment, paying attention to the feelings of calm, happiness, and serenity that it brings. Allow yourself to fully embrace these feelings and let go of any stress or anxiety.

woman stretching at home on a yoga mat


A few tips on how to find peace of mind and relieve daily stress:

- Go for walks and reconnect with nature while clearing your mind.

- Start your days with 10 minutes of "The Five Tibetan Rites" (a sequence of five simple asanas, or yoga poses).

- Practice slow abdominal breathing.

- Practice heart coherence for 5 minutes each day.

Daily self-care: How to relax

Why it’s okay to do nothing: benefits of slow living

What is slow living? 

As the name suggests, "slow living" is all about slowing things down. With the advancement of new technologies, our world is moving at an ever-increasing pace.

When we do manage to take some time for ourselves, it often feels like we’ve been missing out on the things that really matter. Hence the emergence of various offshoots of the slow living movement, including slow tourism, slow food, slow beauty—even slow sex. Could it be that there’s a silver lining to having our lives turned upside down by this slow living movement? Has the situation forced us to focus on what matters most?

Daily self-care: How to relax

Life in the slow lane

Giving yourself a break

Some people may find it frustrating to be told to "slow down". If you’ve got work, kids, and tons of other responsibilities to consider, slowing down may seem impossible. We get it. But, if you're willing to hear us out on this one, you just may find some valuable takeaways.

The slow living philosophy gives you permission to take a breather. What would happen if you did nothing a little more often? If you focused on being mindful and listening to your body? You can only benefit from allowing yourself to slow down.

We’ve already explored this idea when it comes to exercise. Should we be exercising every day? Not necessarily—rest also does a lot of good for our bodies and overall health. Your body needs rest in order to recharge. If you’re doing exercise that burns a lot of energy and is physically demanding, such as running or lifting weights, it’s important to plan recovery time between workouts.

Daily self-care: How to relax

Regaining perspective

Slow living is also about taking a step back from the images we’re bombarded with every day. We all know that social media doesn't represent real life. And yet, sometimes scrolling through pictures of impossible yoga poses, superfood-packed meals and impeccably organized bedrooms - all sandwiched between clips of DIY home décor tutorials (and let’s not even talk about squeezing in the occasional Montessori workshop for your kids!), can really do a number on your self-esteem.

If certain social media accounts leave you feeling depressed, do yourself a favour and click "unfollow". You don't need that additional pressure. At the same time, you can look for hashtags that promote positivity. If taking a step back doesn’t help, you might want to consider stepping away from social media entirely. Just keep in mind that it may be hard to adjust if you take a "cold turkey" approach.

Daily self-care: How to relax

How to start living the slow life

Taking the time to live isn’t always easy, but it's the basic concept behind the slow living movement. You can also think of it as living in harmony with nature, choosing quality over quantity or appreciating fundamental values like generosity and friendship.

Admittedly, the slow living approach can seem a bit utopian. But the goal isn’t to achieve perfection! As with the "zero waste" movement, advocates believe that it’s far better to have thousands, even millions, of individuals striving to be better than to have only a handful of model citizens.

Daily self-care: How to relax

More ways to adopt the principles of slow living

- Use your lunch breaks to get outside, take a relaxing stroll and enjoy some "me" time.

- Try meditation.

- Spend less time on social media and turn off email notifications when you need to concentrate.

- Be fully present when you play with your kids.

In short, as challenging as it may be, do what makes you feel good.

The moral of the story
The world won’t fall to pieces if you decide to do nothing today. Start by focusing on yourself and your loved ones. If that brings you a sense of fulfillment, your time was well spent! 

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