The best back strengthening exercises with no equipment
1. The "Superman"
The Superman is a simple but effective exercise for strengthening the lower back muscles and improving the stability of your spine. To do this exercise, lie on the floor facing down, stretch your arms out in front of you and simultaneously lift your arms and legs by contracting the muscles in your back. Hold the position for a few seconds, then release. Repeat this movement to strengthen your back.
2. Core stability
Core stability exercises engage many muscle groups, including the back muscles. In a plank position, support your weight with your forearms and toes on the ground while keeping your body stiff like a plank. Core stability strengthens the inner back muscles and the abdominal muscles which improves the overall stability of your trunk.
3. "Good morning" exercise
"Good morning" is an exercise that primarily targets the lower back muscles and the hamstrings. Stand upright, place a bar or stick behind your neck, and bend forward from the hips while keeping your back straight. Return to the starting position. This exercise is great for strengthening the posterior back muscles.
4. Squats
Squats are a versatile exercise that primarily target the leg muscles, but also engage the back muscles in order to maintain the correct posture. By integrating squats in your workout routine, you will be contributing to the overall strengthening of your back.